Sunday, February 12, 2012

Website Traffic Definition- What is website traffic?

Website Traffic Definition

My friend website traffic is the base and the life of any business on the internet. Internet marketing has a lot of terms; today I teach you the website traffic definition.

I know that so many internet marketing newbie’s ask “what is website traffic?” today I clear up this question with my website traffic definition.

A person must know how to generate website traffic, to get the right kind of website traffic.

Website traffic is simply the amount of people that comes to visit a website, the number of pages visitors click, and the amount of time a visitor views a page on a website.

This is the website definition of “what is website traffic?" and website traffic definition.

To me personally I see website traffic as an art. I know you ask WHY; well my answer to that is, there are so much ways of driving traffic to a website on the internet; that you can find ways to generate website traffic in your own unique special way. You start to do it in different means, and being really creative with it.
This is the why I see driving traffic as an art, because once you understand website traffic definition. A s a result nothing will hold you back.

There are two type of website traffic.

Targeted website traffic

The website traffic definition for targeted website traffic: Targeted website traffic is exactly what it sounds like. Basically promoting your website or business in a certain way, to get a specific group of people visiting your website

Un-Targeted Website Traffic

The website traffic definition for un-targeted website traffic: Un-Targeted website traffic is basically promoting your website or business to get any type or group of people visiting your website. It’s what you call general traffic, for any group of people. 

The best type of website traffic is targeted website traffic. When you build your business, and you go into a certain niche market; you want to make sure that you promote your business to people that’s interested in buying your products or services. This is why sending targeted website traffic to your business or website is super important.

This is the clearest website traffic definition for targeted and un-targeted website traffic. And also to “what is website traffic?”

Tracking your website traffic.

One of the most important thing, as website owner or business owner on the internet; is to track and monitor where your visitors are coming from, and where they are going on your website. Your knowledge of website traffic definition will help you keep up with this.

Where are your website visitors coming from, and why?

This is super important as you build website traffic, and promote your website; you need to know what’s working for you, and what’s not working for you by tracking your results, your website traffic data.

How long does your visitor stay and what pages of your website do they view the most?

As your internet business and website grows; you will have tons of pages out there scattered all over the internet, and also tons of people visiting your website from all over the place. Tracking has its place in your internet business and this is where it comes in. Website traffic definition at its best.

Increasing your website traffic.

Increasing website traffic takes time and skills for anyone. You must learn, practice, and apply. In order to get website traffic a website owner must know how to put their website in front of their audience’s eyes.

One of the best ways to drive website traffic is through SEO-Search Engine Optimization. SEO involves using keywords, building backlinks, on-page seo, and off-page seo.

Understanding website traffic, and the website traffic definition will help you unlock the potential of your website. Being able to drive targeted website traffic will based on your audience, will help you leverage your website traffic, and gain the most money from it to grow your internet marketing business. As promote and build your business your website traffic will surely increase.

Now there are many ways that I drive traffic to my website, but this is how I got started on learning how to drive traffic, and website traffic definition. I educated myself and I learned a lot from this one website traffic course.

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